Communications & Statements

Brookline is currently facing the effects of the death of local journalism to a grave extent. This reality was made that much more clear when the Brookline Tab ceased publication of its print edition in early May 2022. There currently exists no outlet able to sufficiently fill the void that is the lack of basic news coverage and analysis in our town.

And, of course, just because there's no outlet around to cover local news, that does not mean nothing of note to Brookline and its residents is going on. To the contrary, events and decisions of great consequence are happening, for example, related to local elections and within Town Meeting.

So, to better inform the public, a number of our members — and BEC as a whole — have written public communications about at least some of these crucial matters. And it is our intention to continue to get out the word about important happenings in (and around) Town politics. Below is a list of those communications: